
Emed Nutrient Status Profile


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Deficiencies in key nutrients can severely affect health and contribute to a number of unpleasant symptoms as well as chronic disease. Targeted testing for certain vitamins and minerals can help your practitioner to assess your nutrient requirements accurately and assist you in restoring nutrient status effectively to achieve optimal health. Finding out what your nutrient levels really are will also free you from over-supplementing, as you will know exactly what nutrients your body needs and how much to take. Emed helps you take the guessing game out of your health. Emed’s new Nutrient Status Profile can benefit anyone, but is particularly recommended for individuals with the following symptoms, conditions or dietary habits:

  • Persistent fatigue and/or past history of anaemia
  • Preconception, pregnancy or lactation
  • Recurrent infections and prolonged recovery time from illness
  • Mood disorders including depression and anxiety
  • Long-term stress
  • Cardiovascular conditions which may be linked with elevated homocysteine levels, eg. high blood pressure
  • Metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes
  • Digestive conditions which may impair nutrient absorption – eg. Chron’s Disease, Coeliac Disease
  • Regular consumption of alcohol and/or caffeine
  • Those following a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • Those not eating enough fresh foods, and eating a lot of processed and refined foods

Some other body signs indicating nutrient deficiencies can be found in the following articles – Nail Signs and Eye Signs.   Why Get Tested Through Emed? Firstly, you will save yourself the time and hassle of having to go and wait at your GP’s clinic for an appointment. The Qualified Emed team is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the Nutrient Status Profile, and will send you your test referral directly. All you need to do then is go to your nearest collection centre to have your sample taken for testing – we will even tell you where this is! When we receive your results, we look at what your nutrient levels are, and what they should be for optimal health. We don’t just look at standard references ranges given by test labs, which is how blood tests are often interpreted. All too often we hear that people are told there is nothing wrong with their blood test results, even though they may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, due to large reference ranges. We take notice if you have suboptimal nutrient levels and help you get your health back on track before you become severely deficient in any nutrients. If you already have nutrient deficiencies, we will guide you through restoring nutrient levels safely and effectively.   Nutrients Tested Vitamin B1 – also known as thiamine, Vitamin B1 plays an essential role in maintaining healthy circulation, assists in blood formation, carbohydrate metabolism, and the production of hydrochloric acid (needed for proper digestion). Vitamin B1 also optimises cognitive activity and nerve function, and is needed for proper muscle tone of the intestines, stomach and heart. Additionally, it acts an antioxidant helping to protect the body from the degenerative effects of aging, alcohol consumption and smoking. Vitamin B6 – through its involvement in protein metabolism and cellular growth Vitamin B6 helps to maintain the health of the lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes) by the creation of white blood cells that fight infections. Vitamin B6 is also needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine to help regulate mood and normal nerve cell communication. Vitamin B6 works closely with B12 and B9 (folic acid) in the formation of red blood cells and regulation of homocysteine levels – an important process involved in cardiovascular health. Vitamin B12 (serum) – Vitamin B12 is essential for cell replication, particularly red blood cells. It maintains the protective sheath around nerves (myelin), helps to convert food to energy, and plays a critical role in the production of DNA and RNA, the genetic material in cells. Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency include fatigue, depression, numbness and tingling in the extremities caused by nerve damage, muscle weakness, confusion and memory loss. Dementia and pernicious anaemia can also develop; both are reversible if caught early. Folate (red blood cell) – Folic acid is necessary for cell division so is involved in blood cell creation, healing wounds and building muscles. It is vital in DNA and RNA formation, ensuring the correct duplication of cells to avoid cancers and helps to maintain healthy homocysteine levels. It is especially important in foetal development during pregnancy and also helps to produce key chemicals for the brain and nervous system. Iron studies (serum iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation, ferritin) – Iron studies include measures of iron in the blood, the capacity of the blood to transport iron, and the amount of iron stored in the body. They are most often used to help diagnose anaemia (iron deficiency), and differentiate between different types of anaemia. Iron is an essential mineral that has a range of functions in the body, primarily helping to transport oxygen around the body in the form of haemoglobin. Iron also forms part of myoglobin molecules which supplies oxygen to the muscles and is part of many enzymes and immune-system compounds.

The Testing Process

Once you have purchased your test, an Emed Integrative Medicine Practitioner will contact you with details of your nearest Healthscope collection centre for you to have your blood sample taken. Please Note – This test profile can only be used by people with access to Healthscope Collection Centres (Australia wide), as blood samples need to be drawn. To find out where your nearest Healthscope Collection Centre is contact us. Once your results have been processed, your Emed Practitioner will analyse the test results for you and provide an easy-to-understand but comprehensive manual and report. The comprehensive manual will show you:

  • What your nutrient levels are, and what they should be
  • What dietary, lifestyle and nutritional strategies to take in order to restore optimal nutrient levels
  • How the different foods in your diet may be affecting your nutrient status and overall health
  • Which exact natural supplements are right for you based on your individual result
  • What dosage and time to take your nutritional supplements, if required

Ongoing online support from Dr. Hooper and The Emed Team to help you implement any recommended dietary changes and get the best results from the test   What The Cost Covers The website cost for the Nutrient Status Profile covers the test referral, the test itself, processing of all information and interpretation and collation of final results into your personalised comprehensive report. Fees for physical transportation to your nearest collection centre are to be covered by yourself at time of appointment.