
Can’t Login or Lost Your Password?

To view all the features of the website, you will need to login.

There are 4 Levels of Membership with each type having unique features and benefits. For more information on this browse to the Membership page.

For all Clinic Patients (You have attended the Practice), the Reception Team has automatically allocated you a username and password to the email you provided at your Initial Consultation.

By default we set the password to your first name. We suggest you change your password at your earliest convenience.

If you missed this email, check your spam folder or junk email account.

Important: If you are a Clinic patient, you will need to login to view important pages like Clinic Patient Resources, otherwise it will come up with a banner saying you do not have permission to view the page.


Patient LoginHow To Login.

On the top right of screen use the patient login feature to access the site.

For most devices, you only need to do this once and your computer or smart phone will remember your setting.

Once logged in the menu at the top right of screen will say your name and provide access to the ‘My Dashboard’ feature.


Lost Your Password?

If you cannot login because you forgot your password, use the feature above to resend another password.

Once you have another password automatically generated by the site, you can change it to something you like using the ‘My Dashboard’ feature.


Make Sure We Can Contact You.

As a general rule, most issues on the site relate to patients not logging in or not receiving our correspondence.

Therefore we suggest:

  • Add The Spinal to your Contacts List, Address Book and/or Spam Filter
  • If you have a Mac; add The Spinal to your address book.
  • If you have a PC and you use Outlook; add The Spinal to the contact list in Outlook and your spam filter.
  • If you have a PC and you use Outlook Express; add The Spinal to the address book in Outlook Express and your spam filter.
  • If you use a web browser to collect email (such as Gmail or Hotmail), add The Spinal to the address book in the mail program and set as a safe sender in the spam filter.