

Thursday, August 8th, 2019

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Case History: How We Help If You’ve Had Back Surgery.

Mrs. A is a 78 year old patient who attended the practice with chronic lower back pains and general disability. She had FOUR (4) lower back surgeries. The patient was due for surgery number five but decided on a different, more conservative path.

Looking at the X-ray of the lower back, you will note she had multiple fusions with metal rods. The metal fixations were ‘power drilled’ into the spine with four large self tapping screws. The screws hold two plates across the base of the spine.

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Monday, September 10th, 2018

Ibuprofen (Nurofen) Can Inhibit Ovulation

Inflammation is part of the body’s innate intelligence, a method by which damage is repaired. Unfortunately when this gets painful, it can be difficult for some people to let the body heal itself unaided so they reach for the drugs. Can’t blame anyone for this – as you have been aggressively marketed to for generations now.

NSAID’s can do the job, they may dull the pain. However, this fast relief comes at a cost.

Raised liver enzymes, diarrhoea, headaches, dizziness, salt and fluid retention and high blood pressure are only a few of the numerous side effects that come with use of NSAID’s.

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Tuesday, March 6th, 2018
James Harrison

Linebacker James Harrison’s Workout Recovery

To perform optimally, athletes need to exert themselves with strength, stability and a full range of motion. Research shows that skilled joint manipulation improves joint motion and reduces pain, and it has a host of neurophysiologic attributes, including turning off reflex inhibition.

Instead of flying Doctors from all over the country; you have access to ALL of this at The Spinal Centre.

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Wednesday, February 15th, 2017
Acupuncture Cure Chronic Pain

Acupuncture Reduces Chronic Pain

As a clinician very rarely would I have a patient with a musculoskeletal condition that does not respond well to Acupuncture.

In reality has little to do with the nature of their complaint and more to do with the concept of giving themselves ‘permission to be there’ for care.

Luckily acupuncture works – whether you believe in it or not.

In a recent analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that acupuncture has a definite effect in reducing chronic pain, such as back pain and headaches – more so than standard pain management.

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Sunday, April 20th, 2014

‘Is Acupuncture As Good As Drugs – Or Better?’

A number of patients recently have been commenting on the recent publicity Acupuncture  has been receiving in the news lately.

Acupuncture is just as good as drugs at relieving pain in people’s lower backs and from sprained ankles and migraines, a ground-breaking hospital trial has found.

The extraordinary finding could open the door to Australian hospitals offering the low-cost Chinese medicine therapy used by more than 1 billion people worldwide for pain relief, particularly in Asia.

Acupuncture has been trailed in the emergency department of a number of leading Melbourne Hospitals, including the Alfred, Northern, Cabrini and Epworth.

The purpose of the trial is to see if acupuncture could relieve acute pain in patents presenting to hospital and how it would compare to the normal drug protocols.

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