Forward Head Posture

Adult Spinal Deformity
The Silent Menace
Adult Spinal Deformity Outweighs Other Chronic Conditions in Health Drama
When you think of health-related quality of life (HRQL) concerns, chronic conditions like arthritis, lung disease, diabetes, and congestive heart failure probably top your list.
But hold onto your lumbar support because Adult Spinal Deformity is here to steal the spotlight. We reveal how Adult Spinal Deformity is not just a Spinal issue – it is a Life issue.

Fibromyalgia Related to Kyphotic Posture
Impaired Trunk Posture in Women With Fibromyalgia Pain
Increased Thoracic Kyphosis and Sagittal In-Balance ==> Increased Chronic Pain
A recent paper prepared out of the University of Valencia and Miguel Hernández University, Spain has been published through PubMed by Sempere-Rubio N and Aguilar-Rodríguez M et. al.
It investigates the relationship of mid back posture, thoracic kyphosis and forward head carriage in patients with Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndromes.

Cervical Cord Compression and Sagittal Balance
Nerve Damage in the Neck Related to Posture Balance
Sagittal Balance Matters For Neck Nerve Damage
A recent paper presented to World Neurosurgery, Science Direct and published through the PubMed investigates the relationship of posture and compression of the spinal cord in the neck.
As a Corrective Chiropractor, utilising postural and structural correction techniques of Chiropractic BioPhysic, this is one of many papers on PubMed, validating what we do.

Correcting American Posture
Mr. F. is a 28 year old male garden worker who attended the Practice with what we call ‘American Posture’.
This is a real patient within the Clinic, with untouched photographs.
And yes, he was only 26 when he started care. He was suffering with chronic low back pain (CLBP). He had been enduring spinal pain for 10 years and things were getting progressively worse.
In terms of postural distortion; Mr. F. had what we affectionally call an ‘American Posture’. American Posture is a very common structural disturbance we see in a clinic. And as the name suggests it is very common postural problem within America.
American posture can come in different shapes and sizes. It is a driver of many lower back and neck conditions. As well chronic pain and disability.