

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

Detox Workshop Salad Recipe

Detox Workshop Salad

This easy and nutritious salad was an absolute hit at the Spring Detox Workshop. Due to a popular demand I had to right down dosages and come up with an actual recipe. A difficult task for someone who never follows cooking recipes strictly and always likes to experiment.

The good thing about salads is that you don’t have to be that precise with measuring ingredients, you just mix everything together in a bowl.

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Saturday, October 19th, 2019

Spring Detox Workshop


Save the date                       

MONDAY 21st OCTOBER at 6 pm

at THE SPINAL CENTRE HAWTHORN CLINIC                      


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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

Tired Of Being Tired? – HPA Axis Dysfunction

Are you tired of being tired? Feeling exhausted?

The body has a certain amount of resilience and ability to repair. Stressors such as infection, toxicity, poor diet, inflammation and emotional stress may lead to depletion of the body’s reserves.

Traditionally, low levels of cortisol and DHEA in response to chronic stress have been often blamed  on “adrenal fatigue” or “adrenal exhaustion”. However, during times of stress as part of the adaptive process, cortisol levels are mediated via the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, rather than the adrenal glands. Therefore, ‘hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) dysfunction is a more accurate descriptor of what occurs in response to chronic stress.

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Celebrate Easter The Healthy Way

Easter- the holiday that is practically dedicated to baskets filled with loads of sugar.

While it is always nice to enjoy a sweet treat every now and then, it is important to remember that processed sugary foods, such as your Easter eggs and hot cross buns, should be best avoided.

We don’t want you to sabotage your healing process by eating too many sweet treats and therefore encouraging inflammation, so we would like to recommend some healthier options that are easy to make (with chocolate included of course!).

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