The Corrective Care Program

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Case History: How We Help If You’ve Had Back Surgery.
Mrs. A is a 78 year old patient who attended the practice with chronic lower back pains and general disability. She had FOUR (4) lower back surgeries. The patient was due for surgery number five but decided on a different, more conservative path.
Looking at the X-ray of the lower back, you will note she had multiple fusions with metal rods. The metal fixations were ‘power drilled’ into the spine with four large self tapping screws. The screws hold two plates across the base of the spine.

Correcting ‘Australian Posture’ – Chronic Back Pain
Case History: Chronic Lower Back Pain, Forward Head Carriage and ‘Australian Posture’
Mr. M. is a 44 year old male sales and office worker who attended the Practice. Yes a real patient, real person.
He was suffering with chronic lower back pain (CLBP). He had been enduring spinal pain for 25 years and things were getting progressively worse.
In terms of postural distortion; Mr. M. had what we affectionally call an ‘Australian Posture’. Australian Posture is something we commonly see in Practice and is a driver of many lower back and neck conditions.
Australian Posture is the forward translation of the torso and head forward of the vertical green axis line, in the manner you see below. Not only does this create tremendous pressure on the lower back, but also the neck and shoulders.