Vitamin D

Is Dementia Type III Diabetes – Diabetes of the Brain?
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and is characterised by the death of nerve cells, memory loss and reduced cognitive function.
Insulin is responsible for the uptake of glucose into brain cells, so insulin resistance in the brain beaks down the nerve connections required for memory and learning.
Insulin resistance is also associated with damaging levels of inflammation and compounds that are toxic to the nerves within the brain.
Here is how it works.

Introducing The Musculoskeletal Profile
Many patients really struggle with neck pain, back pain, headaches, arthritis, stress and chronic pains.
And of those patients, it is bewildering that many have years of treatment with varying practitioners, spending thousands of dollars – and NEVER having these key nutrients tested.
It is highly unlikely you will ever achieve a great outcome in the care if these key values are not right.
Now optimal is the key here.
Near enough is not good enough.
If you are paying north of $60 a visit to a therapist or practitioner you need to have the key nutrients at the optimal level to get the best out of your care. You need to get this right.
If you are using natural medicines or health supplements you need to know if they are working and you are taking the correct amount.
Further more being in a ‘normal’ range is quite different than being in an optimal range to encourage the body to heal.