Posture Screen
Digitised Postural Assessment
At The Spinal Centre we use state of the art computerised posture analysis technology to accurately and completely assess a patient’s posture: Posture Screen Mobile.
The proprietary posture analysis software was developed as part of the analysis protocol of Chiropractic BioPhysics – an advanced form of Chiropractic.
Posture Screen is an iPad app that uses digital technology to capture your image and then assess any postural disturbances or imbalances.
The green line is called the Vertical Access Line (VAL) – your centre of gravity. The VAL should line up in the middle of the body from the front, and your ankle to ear from the side.
Proper Posture and Good Health.
Why correct poor posture? Simple, correcting postural issues can alleviate and prevent a number of health disorders.
This includes sore and strained muscles, disc injury, scoliosis, lifting injuries, machines and pains from driving and sitting, sports injuries, back pain neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel, shoulder and ankle injuries. Yes they are all related to your posture.
In short, proper posture means your body can work as designed. And when you body works better, you feel better.
Better Posture + A Better Spine = Better Health.
Posture Screen is like looking at your posture (or your kids) with ‘fresh eyes’. You begin to see what a Chiropractor sees when we perform orthopaedic assessments.
Most patients are amazed by this simple, but effective tool. Posture Screen can be used on children and teenagers, highlighting important growth issues.
It is very important that all members of your family be checked for postural changes to rule out spinal problems that may pass from generation to generation (genetic and hereditary spinal problems).