Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Don’t Get Screwed. Get a Second Opinion.
Sometimes You Need Back Surgery. Sometimes You Don’t.
With up to 88% of spinal surgery being unnecessary or ineffectual maybe you want to avoid going under the knife.
Perhaps you don’t need surgery. Perhaps you need a second opinion with some realistic options to get better without drugs or surgery.
If you just want some one to ‘crack your back’ and send you on your way – then we are not for you.
If you would like a thoughtful, thorough and scientific evaluation of your spine and neuro-musculoskeletal systems, then you are in the right place.
If you need surgery we will tell you. If you don’t we will tell you. Either way we will let you know quickly and efficiently – based on the latest scientific research.
Whatever your decision, we can tailor your care to prepare for you for surgery – so you get the best outcome possible.
Or we will work hard to help you avoid going under the knife so you can avoid unnecessary complications or disability.
Failed Back Surgery? We Can Help You.
We Specialise in Assisting Patients Recover From Spinal Surgery and Disc Injuries.
It is important to be have your posture and spine checked for correct alignment if you are planning on surgery. It becomes even more important after surgery to avoid pain and disability, or indeed further surgery.
If you have had back surgery, fusions or plates put in the spine; they will alter normal lordotic (curvature) patterns in the spine. Evidenced on the X-ray above.
On this site we provide a number of case examples of patient we have helped avoid surgery, or recover from surgical interventions that have gone horribly wrong.
Whatever your case, or whatever you have had done to you, we will provide a careful, considered and effective treatment protocol to get you back to optimal health.
Many patients are told that ‘nothing can be done’, or you ‘will have to live with it’. We are here to tell you, that @ The Spinal Centre – nothing could be further from the truth. There is always something that can be done.
Pain relief, structural change and improved posture are all possible. These changes are attributed to our unique care which involved Neuro Acupuncture, Mirror Image corrections, Traction, Postural Exercises and Rehabilitation.
Coping with the pain does not correct it. Stop existing and Start Living.
Perhaps Chiropractic Biophysics and our Corrective Care Protocols are the Answer You are looking for.
Book a Consultation Today To Find Out More
For those new to the Practice, or just interested in how our state of the art protocols and technology may help you, please feel free to book an Initial Consultation. Call the Reception Team on 1300 2 SPINE (77463) today.
What have you got to loose? Except your pain!