This test monitors oestrogen metabolism in men and women, which may be of great importance in determining those patients at high risk of hormone imbalance. High levels of circulating oestrogens are proliferative and potentially dangerous, so it is important that they are broken down efficiently and effectively removed from the body. Oestrogens are metabolised in two ways: the first pathway (2 -hydroxyoestrone) is protective whilst the second pathway (16α-hydroxyoestrone) is more potent. This test identifies which is the dominant pathway (2 or 16) for oestrogen metabolism. The aim is to ensure that the ratio between the 2:16 pathways is maintained at the ideal of 2.0. A low ratio (reduced 2-hydroxy metabolite production), indicates a state of oestrogen excess which may be a contributing factor to oestrogen-dependant cancers, such as those of the breast, head/neck and the prostate. A high ratio indicates an oestrogen deficient state which may indicate an increased risk of osteoporosis. Markers Tested:
- 2-Hydroxyoestrone (2-OHE1)
- 16α -Hydroxyoestrone (16α -OHE1)
Specimen Requirements
- A urine specimen is collected from the first morning void. The test kit provided contains everything required to complete this test.
Test Preparation
- Patients must fast from 10pm the evening before the morning urine specimen is taken (water may be consumed during this time)
- For women with a regular menstrual cycle, urine collection is recommended between days 18-25
- Do not collect urine during menstruation
- Men may collect their specimen on any day
Turnaround Time
The standard turnaround time for this test is 7 – 10 working days from the date the specimen is received at the laboratory.