Attention Back Pain Suffers
Free Back Pain Assessment (Value $105.00)
“How You Can Get Rid of Your Back Pain Once and For All Without Drugs or Surgery.”
If you or someone you know suffers from Back Pain then there is STILL hope for you without relying on the traditional treatment by doctors or medications that often don’t work.
If you are sick and tired of trying to live with constant Back Pain that limits you from living the life you want, then this is news for YOU!!
State of the Art, Revolutionary and Unique Treatment Gets Rid of Neck Pain With Amazing Results.
At long last a treatment for back pain has been discovered that treats the real cause of your pain and getting rid of it unlike many medications which only cover up the pain for short periods of time.
Unlike many medications this non-drug treatment has no serious side effects other than feeling great and a life without constant pains.
We Have Helped Thousands – Why Not YOU?
Clients from all over Australia owe their new PAIN FREE lifestyle to this treatment.
Many comment on how their back pain has completely resolved and they do not need their drugs any more.
Others have been shown to PREVENT PROBLEMS coming back.
A FREE BACK PAIN ASSESSMENT Reveals How to Find Out IF This Treatment Will Work For You!
A FREE BACK Pain Assessment is now available which reveals if this treatment will may work for you.
The FREE BACK Pain Assessment includes a Computerised Spinal Scan, which is a specialised non-invasive test that provides vital information about your neck and spine.
It only takes a few minutes to perform and the results are immediate.
Also included is a full postural, physical and neurological examination as well as X-rays if clinically indicated.
A MONEY BACK Satisfaction Guarantee.
That’s right. No questions asked.
It is our famous Satisfaction Guarantee. If after a few visits you are not completely happy with what we are doing and how you are going – We will give you your money back.
You have got nothing to loose and everything to gain. So what are you waiting for?
You don’t have to live with BACK PAIN pain any more!
Don’t Delay as we genuinely only have limited spaces for this type of appointment and they book out quickly.
To Receive Your FREE Computerised Spinal Scan and Initial Consultation: Call 1300 2 SPINE.
(Normally Valued at $105.00).
When booking the appointment be sure to mention this website offer and bring a copy, or photo of this page, to the consultation.
You Don’t Have to Suffer Anymore – Call the Montrose or Hawthorn Practice today: 1300 2 SPINE (77463).
You will wonder why you did not start earlier.