
Where’s Your Denny

Sunday, December 16th, 2018

Where Is Your Denny? Japan!

Where is Your Denny? Japan.

For Spinal and Postural Correction that continues outside the Practice, Denneroll provides a scientifically valid and clinically effective spinal orthotic to enhance your health.

Fifteen to twenty minutes is all that is required to achieve good curve correction.

It is an integral part of your care. Remember to get the best results – you will have to do your home work.

This is Dean using his Denny while away in Japan. We are not sure if he was actually travelling or just threw out his bed at home. He assures us he was OS.

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Friday, November 9th, 2018

Where’s Your Denny? Ajaccio, Corsica!

Continue to Benefit from Care while on Holidays

For effective spinal health care that continues outside of The Spinal Centre, the Denneroll Spinal Orthotics provide an effective stretch to your muscles and spine.

We encourage those who are involved in the rehabilitation at The Spinal Centre to use the Denneroll regularly at home to further enhance the traction and exercises done in clinic. With the Denneroll being so compact, our patients can continue to correct their spine while travelling the globe.

This is Natalie using her Denny at the Les Mouettes Hôtel in Ajaccio, Corsica! Thank you so much for sending in the picture!

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Wednesday, August 1st, 2018
Where's Your Denny? Bali!

Where’s Your Denny? Bali!

For effective spinal health care that continues outside of The Spinal Centre, the Denneroll Spinal Orthotics provide an effective stretch to your muscles and spine.

We encourage those who are involved in the rehabilitation at The Spinal Centre to use the Denneroll regularly at home to further enhance the traction and exercises done in clinic.

With the Denneroll being so compact, our patients can continue to correct their spine while travelling the globe.

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Wednesday, April 11th, 2018
V Malins - camping with denneroll

Where’s Your Denny? Camping!

Tents, sleeping bags and denneroll – The Camping essentials!

Roughing it in the Victorian High Country, Sheep yard flat, V Malins taking spinal health into her own hands.

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